A purple caterpillar can sometimes provoke rage.

TC Mission Possible

Date: 02/02/2009

By: Magda

Subject: Moovie

Hmmm I wanted to show the movie some people but I don't know where I can find it. Is it put on any side?

greetings from poland :)

Date: 23/01/2009

By: Sean

Subject: STILL here in Poland!!

Well it looks like Poland doesn't want me to leave!! My flight was cancelled and I am staying until Monday now!

I went to Vienna and then to Warsaw and then back to Wroclaw for my flight home but it was cancelled and when I finally got a new flight it was to go back to the UK on Monday - that means almost 3 weeks away!! I hope they still remember me!

How did it go for all of you getting home - are you back in your normal lives now?

Date: 21/01/2009

By: Rai

Subject: Hi

Life is beautiful....

Date: 21/01/2009

By: Vale

Subject: Re: Hi

Rai....are you Raimondo ???????????'
if yes....I'm happy about your words!!!
But write down some ideas cause I know you have some good ones !!!

Take care

Bye bye

Date: 18/03/2009

By: rai

Subject: Re: Re: Hi

i am rai!

Date: 20/01/2009

By: Vale

Subject: WHy not

Hallo to everybody !!!!
I have visited this internet site in these days and I some ideas have came out to my mind.
What do you think to put link about the organizations in which you are working to ?
It could be a start for a network. Let me know!!!
We could also create a page where we can put our ideas for future multilateral exchange projects and discuss and develop them.
What about a newsletter ? so everyone will receive an e-mail in his/her mailbox about any activity in the site.
Keep on cause we are the beginning :-)

See you and take care

Date: 17/01/2009

By: Marlena

Subject: HOLA

Greetings from Green Ireland

where everything is or green or wet or green and wet,

Date: 17/01/2009

By: Rai

Subject: Coucou

coucou everybody!

Date: 16/01/2009

By: Val

Subject: Muppets in action !!!

Hey dear guys !!!
Where is the movie ?????? :-)
We are going to do this site wonderful !!! Actually I like the site !!!
Easy to navigate it !!!!
So don't worry Lukas ideas are coming up !!!!
See you soon !!!

Date: 15/01/2009

By: Magda

Subject: Forum

For me it's rather shoutbook.
Maybe it'll be better to make the forum with topics etc. and here will be shoutbook?
Oh, and I think we should put here more links. :) And hmmm... something like our visiting card? I don't know...

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