A purple caterpillar can sometimes provoke rage.

TC Mission Possible

Date: 17/01/2009

By: Rai

Subject: Coucou

coucou everybody!

Date: 16/01/2009

By: Val

Subject: Muppets in action !!!

Hey dear guys !!!
Where is the movie ?????? :-)
We are going to do this site wonderful !!! Actually I like the site !!!
Easy to navigate it !!!!
So don't worry Lukas ideas are coming up !!!!
See you soon !!!

Date: 15/01/2009

By: Magda

Subject: Forum

For me it's rather shoutbook.
Maybe it'll be better to make the forum with topics etc. and here will be shoutbook?
Oh, and I think we should put here more links. :) And hmmm... something like our visiting card? I don't know...

Date: 14/01/2009

By: Lukas

Subject: What else do we need here?

I am not that happy with that forum, if someone has another idea how to include some real nice discussion board that would be way better, I think.
What else do you miss at the moment??

Date: 13/01/2009

By: Magda

Subject: No subject

You're testing this site all the time ;P
Have good fun in Wrocław :)

Date: 12/01/2009

By: Lukas

Subject: General

Comments, jokes, insults, criticism etc.

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